Transmedia HistoryTelling and the IFPH Explorers meet again to discuss Public History and transmediality. We will meet with the creators of The Venezuelan Digital History Network Foundation (Venezuela History Network), which seeks the development of digital humanities through the retrieval, digitization, and free access of files, collections, and references of Venezuelan and Latin American historical memory. Guillermo Guzmán Mirabal, Marcus Golding, and Guillermo Ramos Flamerich will tell us about their efforts to protect the cultural heritage of Venezuela, how they are contributing to the formation of technical and technological capabilities for those interested in preserving their historical memory, how the foundation fills in the institutional gap related to these topics in Venezuela, and how the Foundation is generating new and significant historical content.
Get to Know the Network of Venezuelan Digital History Foundation and its Creators
by Red Historia Venezuela | May 17, 2023 | Sin categorizar | 0 comments